Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6

Not sure what happened to the quality...

"Expect light rain tonight."

The idea behind this shot was to create "light drawings" using a dark room, a flashlight, and a slow shutter speed. I believe the execution of the shot went perfectly. The lines were fairly crisp without illuminating the background too much. This was shot with my Nikon D3000 with a 15 second shutter speed @ F4.5, ISO 100.

I set up the basic concept with the help of my brother, Kyle, and we had several different ideas and numerous shots before we agreed upon this one in particular. The other shots had their merit but this one seemed to stand out the most. This one was Kyle's idea and we were able to get this photo in just two takes. We tried to perfect it but found this one to be the best of the bunch.

Photography doesn't always have to be a one man show. It is often very entertaining to include others in the creative process. My brother and I had a blast trying different poses with hilarious faces. We found it very difficult to keep a straight face through most of the shoot. I came away from this with more ideas for future shots as well as a better understanding of the influence of light in photography. Sometimes it is important to change things up in order to avoid creative stagnation.

This is day 6 and already I'm feeling like I've limited myself in my photos due to the fact that I'm finding it difficult to come up with new ideas. The world is filled with interesting things just begging to be photographed. I believe that if I just open my mind up to new possibilities, I will find that the concepts for new photos will be limitless.

Lastly, a special thanks to brother for his assistance and creativity during this shoot. I wouldn't have this shot with out you!

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